24,99 47,99 


This item is the Bluepill microcontroller preflashed with the new firmware (Pangrus 1.0) which implements MIDI sync in the OPERA ROTAS.

Is compatible from OPERA ROTAS Rev 0.9 and higher

Older models would need some hacking, thought.

The keyboard shorcuts are:

REC – start/stop. The “>” sign in the upper left appears when the OR sequencer is running.
AUTO – engage AUTO mode. In AUTO mode, the active channel changes every step. When you move a knob, the correspondig parameter of the active channel is affected.
AUTO + Pressing the keys from 1 to 8 load the sound presets
LOCK – engage LOCK mode. Pressing the keys from 1-8 the corresponding channel toggles from locked to unocked.
EDIT – engage EDIT mode. Press the keys 1-16 to edit the active pattern. The pattern is shown on the leds.
CHAN – engage CLEAR mode. Pressing the keys from 1-8 clears the corresponding channel.
RND – engage RANDOM mode. Pressing the keys from 1-8 randomize the corresponding channel. Randomization is made with the euclidean algorithm.
SAVE – engage MUTE mode. Pressing the keys from 1-8 the corresponding channel toggles from muted to unmuted.
SHIFT + AUTO – toggles slave MIDI mode.
SHIFT + LOCK – locks all channels.
SHITH + CHAN – clears all channels.
SHIFT + RND – Select generative mode. In GEN1 mode every 16 step the gates of one pattern and one sound parameters is randomized. In GEN2 mode gates are unchanged; every step one sound parameter is randomized. Bpm selection is disabled.
SHIFT + SAVE – mutes all channels.

Additional information


Drum 1.4, Poly, Drum 1.4 + Poly


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